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OUR PORTFOLIOCapitaMall Grand Canyon

CapitaMall Grand Canyon faces the busy South Third Ring Road in Beijing’s Fengtai district. The mall is easily accessible via several public bus routes, Beijing South Railway Station, and metro line 4 from the nearby Majiapu station. Serving the needs of a population of more than 800,000 within a three-kilometer radius, CapitaMall Grand Canyon offers an exciting array of restaurants, retail and service offerings that makes it an attractive destination for families, students and office workers around the precinct. The mall’s comprehensive offerings and well established tenants include Poly Cinema, Yun Nans, Chagee, Sisyphe Books and K-SHOW KTV, making it a sought-after retail and lifestyle destination within the local community. Mall offerings were also refreshed with AEI completion in 2023, which brought in tenants such as new retail concept supermarket 7FRESH.

1,797.0 Market Valuation1 (RMB Million)
98.6% Committed Occupancy1
92,918 Gross Floor Area (sq m)
233 Number of Leases1
>800,000 Residential Population within 3 kilometre Catchment Radius

1 Data as at 31 December 2024

  • Property Details
    Address No. 16 South Third Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing
    Description Six retail levels with two basement carpark levels
    Gross Floor Area (GFA) (sq m) 92,918
    Year of Acquisition 2013
    Number of Leases 233
    Prominent Tenants 7FRESH, Poly Cinema, Yun Nans, Chagee, Sisyphe Books and K-SHOW KTV
    Land Use Right Expiry 2044 / 2054
    Please scan the QR Code using your WeChat mobile application to access the mall’s official WeChat account
  • Lease Expiry & Trade Sector Analysis
  • Location Map