OUR PORTFOLIOKunshan Bacheng Logistics Park
Kunshan Bacheng Logistics Park is situated within the distribution centre that covers the Yangtze River Delta region in Eastern China with extensive transportation options. The property is within an hour’s drive to Shanghai. It comprises three blocks of single-storey warehouse and 4 blocks of single-storey ancillaries such as office, guard room and facility room. The main entrance to the property is located along Yuyang Road, at the south of the site.

1 Data as at 31 December 2024
Property Details
Address No. 998 Yuyang Road, Yushan Town, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province
昆山市玉山镇玉杨路998号, 昆山Description Three blocks of single-storey warehouses and four blocks of single-storey ancillaries Gross Floor Area (GFA) (sq m) 43,945 Year of Acquisition 2021 Number of Leases 61 Land Tenure 2064 1 Excludes leases for ancillary buildings.
Trade Sector Analysis
Location Map