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OUR PORTFOLIOCapitaMall Yuhuating

CapitaMall Yuhuating is an established mall located within the Dongtang retail hub of Yuhua District in Changsha. It is conveniently accessible via numerous bus routes as well as Tujiachong metro station on Line 1 and Shazitang metro station on Line 4 that are approximately one-kilometre away. Additionally, a new metro station – Yuhuating Station on Line 7 next to CapitaMall Yuhuating is under construction and expected to open in 2027. CapitaMall Yuhuating is positioned as a community mall located within a core retail hub, where there is a high concentration of populated residential communities and office buildings, providing the mall with a dense catchment of approximately 700,000 within a threekilometre radius. With no direct competitors within the vicinity, CapitaMall Yuhuating has firmly established itself within its main trade area. The AEI at CapitaMall Yuhuating has transformed it into a lifestyle destination for youths and families, by curating selected brands, which appeal to both China’s growing enthusiasm for domestic brands and international brands. Examples include China Film Cinema, Haidilao, Li-Ning, UNIQLO and Balabala.

785.0 Market Valuation1 (RMB Million)
97.2% Committed Occupancy1
75,431 Gross Floor Area (sq m)
700,000 Residential Population within 3 kilometre Catchment Radius
2 Metro Lines within 1 km

1 Data as at 31 December 2024

  • Property Details
    Address No. 421 Shaoshan Middle Road, Yuhua District, Changsha, Hunan Province
    Description Four above ground levels of retail space and one basement level for ancillary and car park use
    Gross Floor Area (GFA) (sq m) 75,431
    Year of Acquisition 2019
    Number of Leases 212
    Prominent Tenants China Film Cinema, Haidilao, Li-Ning, UNIQLO and Balabala
    Land Use Right Expiry 2044
    Please scan the QR Code using your WeChat mobile application to access the mall’s official WeChat account
  • Lease Expiry & Trade Sector Analysis
  • Location Map